So, it took me by surprise today that a Russian Federation visited my blog. For real?? It’s Russian Federation!! Waaaaa.. I feel honoured, seriously. But what the…?? Whatever laaaa..internet is a borderless world and they could have stumbled upon my blog..
Ok back to business..what’s happening lately? I know I have been stuffing myself with lemangs, rendangs, raya cookies, and whatnots. Oh boy, I feel, I am slightly expanding horizontally now. I am sure if I were to measure my waist, it would go up few “centimeters”. Muahahahahah..time to diet and cut the fat! I sounded like the Biggest Loser..and the Asian version is already aired last night with Marion Caunter as the host – on Diva Universal.
Diva Universal – the rebranded name for Hallmark Channel . I guess it’s because it would attract more female viewers. Well, my favourites are Oprah, Lipstick Jungle, The Biggest Loser in whatever version be it Australia, US or Asia, Merlin and Crossing Jordan. But again, I have to win the battle of the remote control either against my son or husband. I won mine every weekdays from 10pm onwards for AXN. So, have to sometimes lose.
Alrighty - Need to go back to work. Tonnes of reports to clear now. Scheduled reports, adhoc reports – you name it. Gotta crack my head and survive this Excel too.
Till then..if you want to invite me to your open house, also can. I am all arms! LOL.. :D
1 retorts by associates:
sure you blogged about smth related to russia =P
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